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Breast Cancer Symptoms - Medical Animation


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Breast Cancer Symptoms - Medical Animation
MEDICAL ANIMATION TRANSCRIPT: Breast cancer symptoms can vary from woman to woman, but there are several common signs to look for. You may notice a change in the way your breast or nipple feels. This may present as a lump or nipple tenderness. Other symptoms can present as a change in how the breast or nipple looks. Changes in breast size or shape, a nipple that is turned inward, changes in the texture of the skin of the breast, areola, or nipple, or fluid discharge from the nipple are all frequent symptoms. In many cases, early breast cancer usually does not cause pain. However, you should always see your doctor about any breast pain or any other changes you notice that did not go away.

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Furr, Henshaw & Ohanesian
Myrtle Beach, SC

"I have a medical illustration created by Medical Legal Art at the beginning of every case to tell the client's story, usually before I depose the defendant doctor. The work product and cost-efficiency are outstanding. It is a situation where, as a trial lawyer, I don't leave home without it."

Rockne Onstad
Attorney at Law
Austin, TX

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Karen M. Talbot
Silverman Bernheim & Vogel, P.C.
Philadeplphia, PA

"It is my experience that it's much more effective to show a jury what happened than simply to tell a jury what happened. In this day and age where people are used to getting information visually, through television and other visual media, I would be at a disadvantage using only words.

I teach a Litigation Process class at the University of Baltimore Law Schooland use [Medical Legal Art's] animation in my class. Students always saythat they never really understood what happened to [to my client] until theysaw the animation.

Animations are powerful communication tools that should be used wheneverpossible to persuade juries."

Andrew G. Slutkin
Snyder Slutkin & Kopec
Baltimore, MD

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