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24 Week Triplets with Cervical Dilation - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing


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Item #exh6052a — Source #1

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24 Week Triplets with Cervical Dilation - Medical Illustration, Human Anatomy Drawing
This medical exhibit pictures three twenty-four (24) week old triplets in utero from an anterior (front) cut-away view. Also illustrated are the fetal membranes surrounding each baby, as well as the mother's uterus, cervix and vagina (birth canal). The medical illustration also depicts the early dilation of the mother's cervix and the blocking mechanism of the fetal membranes preventing bacteria from contacting the fetuses.

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"I thought you might want to know that after we sent a copy of your illustration to the defendants, with a copy to the insurance company, they increased their offer by an additional million dollars and the case was settled for $1,900,000.00.

I appreciate your help!"

O. Fayrell Furr, Jr.
Furr, Henshaw & Ohanesian
Myrtle Beach, SC

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Jack S. Cohen
Levy, Angstreich, Finney, Baldante & Coren
Philadelphia, PA

"[I] have come to rely upon the Doe Report and your great staff of illustrators for all my medical malpractice cases. … Please know that I enthusiastically recommend you to all my colleagues.

Frank Rothermel
Bernhardt & Rothermel
"Thanks, and your illustrations were effective in a $3 million dollar verdict last Friday."

Joseph M. Prodor
Trial Lawyer
White Rock, British Columbia

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